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God Said Write

Updated: Mar 6, 2019

My Experience

Books somewhat remind me of the garden of Eden. When I would visit book stores, I would find many literary works filled with all kinds of information. Like the fruits of the garden, books have different opportunities to eat, but there are some that are forbidden. Everything that’s written is not from God. I refuse to follow the course of Adam and Eve. I choose to eat on things that bring forth life. So, whatever I read, it must be edifying to my spirit. That improvement may come in the form of a rod or a feather. If it’s God, then it’s good.

Some Christians carry the uncompromising word of God in their writings. Contrarily, many writings do not reflect God at all. Some of the works that I’ve encountered give false hope and false doctrine so much that at one point I stopped reading Christian literature. During that time, I submerged myself in the Bible. I refused to be soiled. As I matured in God, and I was able to discern sound doctrine, my thirst for godly literature came back. But, not only did I want to read it; surprisingly it came along with an instruction from God to write it.

Being a writer was not something that I desired. It was an assignment the Lord gave me over eight years ago. When the Lord began to reveal it to me, I was nervous. I never thought I would be instructed to write. I hadn’t told anyone about what the Lord was doing. But, the confirming word of the Lord came through my Pastor, and I knew I had to.

Many Christians in the literary market shun my type of writing. They prefer writings of less intensity, soothing, and non-preaching. Sadly, this is happening as many are losing their souls. I don’t have time to make my writings to industry approved. I’m not willing to disobey God for the approval of man. People need the direct truth of God. Everyone is not afraid to be told they are wrong.

Fear can win when you don't know who you are or your value. But when God reveals the wealth of your peculiarity, then you can have the confidence and power to be the person He ordained you to be. Because of God, this is where I am now. I’m not afraid to be called preachy. He called me to preach, so whether that “preach” be writing or speech. Let it be so.

The Purpose of Writing

The Lord encouraged me in my writing by revealing the purpose of writing through the Word of God. The three reasons for writing can be found in the book of Habakkuk. They are: (1) To relay a message, (2) For prayer, and (3) For praise and worship.

Habakkuk Chapter One:

To give an overview, Habakkuk had a vision, and he didn't know what to do with it. The vision he saw was not of beauty or heaven. It was of iniquity, violence, dread, and death. The scripture referred to his vision as a “burden.”

As he cried out to the Lord for direction, the Lord instructed Him to write the vision (Chapter 2). God wanted Habakkuk to write it “plainly” so that when others read it, they would “run.” This was not the type of writing that would make people comfortable, smile, or happy. In fact, it was quite the opposite. This writing was meant to warn people.

The purpose of Habakkuk writing the vision was to relay a message to a man from God. Had Habakkuk been alive today and received that instruction, many would not receive him or his writing. It would be deemed as “preachy.” They would take Habakkuk’s writings as judgmental, condemning, and not in love. However, is was God, love Himself, instructing Habakkuk to write such a message.

For whatever reason Christians have allowed themselves to believe that God does not release words of warning and correction. Hence, it is found in the very Bible they carry, read, and recite. Are all messages a warning? Certainly not! The Bible is filled with writers that deliver all types of messages. We serve a God that rewards and judges; so, the message can be good or bad. Writers of the Lord may be used greater in a particular area, but the balance of God allows for messages to be of all types.

Messages may contain the law, prophetic dreams, letters, visions, teachings, warnings, promises, parables, prophesy, etc. Godly writers are simply messengers of God. The messenger does not determine the message; they only carry it. Could Habakkuk ask God to redo the vision so that it’s not so violent? Could he ask God to change how the vision should be written? No, God would find someone else who didn’t mind being obedient to the hard thing.

Habakkuk Chapter Two:

One of the most profound things in this chapter of Habakkuk is how the Lord instructed him to make the vision “plain.” Plain? Yes, plain. Which means simple or basic. You see, God was more concerned with the message being comprehended than He was with the literary content, metaphors, allegory, poetry, and any other literary jargon. What benefit would it serve the reader if it could not be understood? If the writing were not clear, the people would not be able to heed to the warning. This would cause them to perish. What and how he wrote could determine whether someone lived or died. That’s heavy. This is why I find it very confusing that any publisher or editor would encourage a true Christian writer to mold and alter the message of God. I understand someone helping you to sharpen your writing, but not amend it.

Contrary to popular belief, every vision or experience is not to be written. Don’t believe me, take a look in the books of Daniel and Revelation. The writers, Daniel and John, were both instructed during certain visions to not write it down. The Lord allowed them to see it but did not allow them to write it. Christian writers should be in tune with The Spirit to hear instructions. Everything I’ve seen, I did not say or write.

Habakkuk Chapter Three:

Chapter three of Habakkuk is fascinating. It is split into two different types of writing, prayer, and song. It encompasses writings that don’t necessarily derive from instruction. Habakkuk prayed and wrote a song through his writing. Prayers are a purpose for writing. These are petitions, concerns, and requests to God. Rather than from God, these writings are to God.

The latter part of chapter three are words to a song. The words that we sing to God is another reason for writing. It is another form of expression and communication. Just as valuable as the singer and musician, are the songwriter and composer of music.

The second and third purposes for writing are some of the ways I shared the hardest times in my life to God. Some things can’t be spoken. So, I write it. I received releases and breakthroughs because I wrote things down.

In my opinion, there is a beauty in writings between man and God. I believe that some of the most beautiful pieces of literature have not graced a man’s eyes. There may be award-winning writings sitting inside of someone’s diary. Many people keep journals of different things laid on their heart to God. This type of writing may not be public or published, although it can be.

Some writers have a very special relationship with God. They communicate with God and God communicates with them. God reveals things and places them in positions of great authority and honor. Daniel, a psalmist, was very special to God. He wrote a lot to God and from God. His position was king, but he had such a special place with God that He ate the food of priests and was not judged for it (1 Samuel 21:6).


Writing is a tool the Lord may use to convey a message to people. It can also be a way that people express themselves to God. Writing is not a calling or an office. It may be something that you do within your office, but it is not to be mistaken as one of the offices of the body of Christ. Habakkuk was a prophet who wrote. Paul was an apostle who wrote. Moses was a prophet who wrote.

I don’t write for any award or literary acknowledgments. I write so that God may be glorified, and souls saved. Because of this sometimes the message carried is not received. Through that rejection, I have learned that when you are different, fear and intimidation can attack you. Neither are prejudiced. Some of the most influential people battle with this. With so many people rejecting truth, it can become hard to imagine that your small voice will ever be heard. That's why we must keep our eyes on Jesus and our faith in God.

So, you see, it is more to writing than just having the ability to do so. It is more to writing than having a knowledge of literature in the natural. As a Christian reader, I need something that will move me in the Spirit. As a writer, I release my gratitude and reverence for God through my writing. How much of that is seen with Christian writers today?

I encourage real Christian writers who don't always have their words sweet or grammatically correct to continue in what the Lord has instructed you to do. If God gave it to you, write it and let whoever will run, run!

I want to encourage the writers whom God has instructed to write. Write what the Lord has commanded. Declare the greatness of our God. Tell people the truth of eternity. Let the passion of your God flow from your fingertips. Allow God to use your writing to deliver souls. In the end, it is God that we must please. He is the one that instructed us to write.

I pray that this will bless and encourage all my fellow writers.

I love you all.


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